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Man Working at a Desk

I am working towards financial freedom, just like most of you are. I have put together a list of some of the best part time or online jobs that I have come across. These jobs can help you make an extra $500-1000 a month, take that leap in quitting your day job to pursue you passion, invest in real estate, save for a down payment, or take that dream vacation.


In todays day and age it can be very difficult to live off 1 income. Most people need a side gig, second income, etc. I know this has been the case in you family at times. I have worked a second job, my wife has done some of these options below to help us. I just hope these options help you guys like they have helped us.





Blogging is not going to make you money instantly, but over time it can be a great option and a lucrative option as well. Check out my post on how to make money blogging.


Average pay: $0-10k a month



Freelance work:


If you have a skill or service (Graphic Design, Virtual Assistant, Photography, Data Entry, etc.) this could be a great way to make some extra money. Upwork is a great way to help find freelance jobs.


Average pay: Varies depending on field and project.



Freelance writing:


Online writing jobs can include drafting blog posts, articles, etc. It can be hard though to find legit writing jobs, but once you build a reputation and find some good writing jobs. It can be a great way to make some income.


Average pay for beginners: $25-40 a hour

Average pay for advanced writers: $75-100+ a hour



Sell on Amazon (FBA program)/ EBAY/ Retail Arbitage:


The concept is to buy low and sell high


There are a lot of people out there who are making a full-time living from selling on Amazon and Ebay. This is perfect for the person who loves to find the deals and is a deal hunter.  If you find good deals at brick and mortar stores, Flea markets, garage sales, or wherever and then you turn around and resell them on Amazon for a profit. 


They key to success is understanding the market, what things go for, and what people want.


Average pay: Varies, some people make a $100 a month others are able to do this for a full-time job. Just depends on how much work you put in and your understanding of the market.





This has grown over the last few years with technology. This is a great way to make money from home. I have friend you teaches Math online for 2 different universities and make a good living.


Another option is teaching children in China how to speak English. This has become very popular since it is either early mornings or in the evenings due to the time change. Which allows for you to do this as a side gig and still have a day job if you like or if you are stay at home mom you can do it while kids are asleep. My wife did this for about 18 months and loved it.


Average Pay: $10-20 a hr. (teaching English)

Average Pay: $1,000 per credit hour per semester





















Virtual Assistant:


Work as remote executive assistant doing a range of different tasks. This has become pretty popular and businesses are paying high wages for the person with the right skill set and work experience.


Common tasks could include:

  • Answering emails

  • Booking Travel

  • Scheduling appointments/meetings

  • Managing social media


To become your own boss, I highly recommend taking Gina Horkey (now Six-figure VA) course on how to become a Virtual Assistant in 30 days or less.


Average Pay: $18 to $35 per hour, according to Upwork



Virtual Bookkeeper:


Bookkeepers record financial transactions. This really can be done anywhere and you don't need to have a degree or experience. 


How to become a bookkeeper


Average Pay: $20 per hour (You can make more than $60 per hour)


Social Media Manager:


Are you a social media guru? Do you think you would like to post on behalf of businesses, respond to comments, and messages? You should think about becoming a social media manager.


How to become a freelance social media manager


Average Pay: $20-100 per hour





There are a lot of different ways to make living as photographer.

  • Sell stock photos online

  • Wedding photographer

  • Family portraits

  • Photo journalist


The nice thing is you can set your own schedule and determine how much you want to make (through rate, how much you work, and the quality of your work).


Average Pay: $20-40 a hour. This though can be a lot more depending on your quality of work and your demand. 

Average Pay (Stock Photos): $.20-.50 cents per image sold























Graphic Designer:


Graphic Designers create make professionally looking graphics. Typically they are knowledgeable in branding, sales, etc. They have strong understanding of what your client or the market wants. This job can really be done from anywhere as long as you have a computer and the software that you need.


Average Pay when starting out: $20-40 a hour


As you build your portfolio your rate will and can go up.



Video Editing:


With the rise or social media and youtube. So has the need for good video editors. They create engaging high quality videos. Just like a graphic designer this job can really be done from anywhere as long as you have a computer and the software that you need.


Average Pay when starting out: $25-30 a hour


As you build your portfolio your rate will and can go up.





Turo is the Airbnb for cars. Do you have a car that you don't use all the time? Rent it out on Turo. Or maybe you buy a car just to rent it out. 


Get started Here with Turo.


Average car listing on Turo makes $720 a month


Calculate how much your car would make on average here.





This is good if you live in or near a big city. This could be a great part time job that allows you to work when you want. Note if you don't like to drive people around you can deliver food as well with Uber Eats.


Average Uber driver makes: $364 a month


Learn more about Uber here

Learn more about Lyft here


























Honestly I think this is one of the best ways to make some side income. If you have a spare bedroom, a basement apartment, or even entire house, condo, apartment, etc. I think renting it out on Airbnb is great. Depending on your property and location there is a lot of money to be made. I would though check with your city on the short term rental regulations before getting started.


The average Airbnb host makes $800-1,000 a month (some make up to $10,000 per month)





Postmates is a delivery service company. This is a great option if you live in a bigger city. You could deliver groceries, dinner, etc. The nice thing is you can plan this around your schedule and do it when you want.


Average Pay: $20 a hour



Task Rabbit:


TaskRabbit allows people to hire other people to do tasks for them. 



  • Assemble furniture

  • Clean your house

  • Help Move

  • Pick up and deliver

  • Fix something around the house


The average tasker makes about $100 a month



Dog walker


If you love animals there are a lot of different freelance jobs you can do. Dog walking is one of them. With Rover it makes it easy for you to find clients. You do need to do a background check, and if you live in a bigger city you will see higher rates. You can also do sit through rover.


Dog Walking with Rover:

Average Pay: 30 min walk ($20) 60 min walk ($30)


Dog Sitting with Rover:

The average part time Rover sitter makes around $1,000 a month take 2-3 dogs for 2 weeks out of the month. If you do it full-time and do it for 4 weeks you average around $3,300 a month.




Best Part Time Job Search Sites


Flex Jobs:

Flex Jobs does a great job vetting the jobs they offer on their website. They make it easy for you to find a part-time or work from home job.



Upwork lists some great online jobs. You might have to build a portfolio though and in order to do that you might have to take some jobs at discount (prove yourself). Once you get the good reviews and show what you can do, then you can work towards the higher paying jobs.



Indeed is one of the largest job listing sites out there. If you type in "work from home" and "online jobs" usually you can find some good options.





In today's world with technology, the creation of different share companies (uber, airbnb, etc.) there are no shortage of opportunities for part time gigs. These may not provide a full-time income for you or be a long term solution, but they can help reach some financial goals (pay of debt, buy a house, take a vacation, etc.). Or they can help you build up your skill set, which can lead to higher paying jobs. 




Taking Notes
Young Driver
Perfect Shot
Let's Be Friends

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