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There are so many reasons why to start a blog or why people are doing. It could be away to journal, share your hobby and passions, or create revenue stream.


In today's day in age it is simple and affordable to get things up and running.


There are a few simple steps that you need to take:

  • Decide on your niche

  • Decide on a domain name

  • Pick a host/ Get a hosting account

  • Decide on web design service

  • Pick our template/design/ or theme

  • Start blogging


I know when I was getting started I thought to myself where do I begin. So hope this post helps you get up and running as quick as possible.


Step 1: Decide on your niche

Deciding on what to write or blog about is really up to you. For me I asked myself two things.

  • What am I passionate about?

  • How can I scratch my own "itch"? Basically put out information I would want or want to read.


Step 2: Decide on a domain name

Figure out what you want to name you blog and starts searching to see if the domain is available. You can do this by searching hosting  companies (see step 3) for a few options.



Step 3:  Sign up for website hosting

A website is basically a bunch or file, documents, code, etc. These all need to be stored or put somewhere. That is need for a hosting service. It allows your visitor to access those files whenever they want.


There are a few different options: 

  • BlueHost

  • GoDaddy Hosting

  • Siteground

  • Some web development companies do offer a basic hosting service, but eventually you could out grow those or what they offer. You will though still need to purchase a domain name if you go that route.



You can get started with bluehost here.


  • Bluehost is inexpensive (under $3)

  • Bluehost is one of the easiest to install (1 click of the button)

  • You get a free domain name (first year)

  • They offer a 30 day money back guarantee 














You can get started with GoDaddy here


  • 4 plans to choose from

  • Great if you have multiple websites your blogs that need hosting

  • Unlimited storage options

  • free domains

  • free emails














You can get started with SiteGround here


  • 3 different plans to choose from

  • low cost

  • Free emails

  • Website building help

  • Website transfering










Step 4: Decide on which platform you are going to design your website/blog with.


Below are three options that you can with. Wordpress is the more popular one for bloggers. Although wix and square space have really grown and become a good option as well. If you do go with WordPress you will need hosting company such as BlueHost.




Square Space



If you decide to go with WordPress their default template is pretty basic, but with just a few clicks you can change the look and design of you blog or website. WordPress does offer some free theme's to choose from, you can also purchase some professionally-designed options as well. Lastly you can always hire someone to design and create your website or blog for you.


Personally I think either using WordPress's free options or purchasing a a professionally designed theme is plenty. I also think BlueHost offers some free themes as well for WordPress.













Wix is nice because they let you get started for free. They have a few ways you can design and create your website/ blog. 


  1.  Start from scratch and design it your self using there simple and easy to use tools.

  2. Choose from some of there templates

  3. Use Wix ADI. They will ask you some questions about your site and what you are looking for and then with in a few seconds they will create a custom site that is designed and tailored to you.


The free version though uses a wix domain. If you want to use your domain that you purchased through BlueHost or Godaddy. Then you have to pay for the upgraded option.













SquareSpace has really made it a one stop shop with hosting, domain purchasing, and Website templates ready for you to get started. SquareSpace is very clean and easy to use. In my personal opinion Wix and SquareSpace are fairly similar when it comes to features. The only difference is you can purchase your domain through SquareSpace, but it is fairly easy to link your domain with Wix. It really comes down to preference.













Once you have designed and website/blog, linked your domain and hosting (if needed). YOU ARE DONE, you should now have a blog and/or website. 


I hope this guide was helpful. There are just so many options out there I wanted to help narrow it down to a few you can choose from. Most people will say, "You have to use ....", but I like to give you guys 2 or 3 options to decide from. 


Note: Each company on this list is very user friendly and will walk you through the "getting started" process. They also all have a great support staff if you have any questions.  




The costs of starting a blog are fairly low. I would advise though to be careful investing or spending to much upfront. As you are starting out you really don't know what tools and resources you might want or need. That is why the 30 day trials are nice. As you grow and actually start blogging, seeing what is working, and getting feed back you will know where you should put your money. It is a learning process.


Final Thoughts:

Whatever your reason is for wanting to blog I hope these tools and resources help. Blogging is a great creative outlet, way to make some income, and sharing your passions. Good luck on your journey.

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