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Have you ever wondered how to start a blog and make some money doing it? This is your beginners guide to help you that.


You are probably thinking can you really make money blogging?


The answer is YES. It takes time, but we the right formula, being patient, and being CONSISTENT you will see success. Blogging isn't easy, it takes time and a lot work before you make money.


The first step is setting up a blog. See my post on resources/ how to get a blog up a running.


1- Get a domain

2- Decide on a hosting company (somewhere you can store your data and info)

3- Decide on a design/theme company (these are the companies that make your blog pretty).


More info on this here




How Much Can You Make Blogging:


Really the sky is the limit. On average you can probably expect to make $500-1,000 a month after 1 year of blogging and putting in 10-20 hours a week (note: this isn't a guarantee). There are a lot steps and things that need to be done in order to get there. Also know some blog's are make tens of thousands a month and even higher, but they have put in the work to get there.




Characteristics Of A Profitable Blog:



Content and quality is key. Most if not all profitable blogs provides value to their reader. There is so much content out there and a lot of it isn't great. That if you make yours even remotely good and worth reading it will help towards your success.


When I started blogging asked myself "How can I scratch my own itch"? What is it that I am searching for or interested in? That is what I decided to write about. It kept me motivated and interested as I was searching for answers to my own questions and sharing them with others.


Now when you set out to write a blog post or article here are a few questions to ask:

  • How can I make this unique?

  • Do I have a unique perspective?

  • Do I have expert knowledge on this topic?

  • How can I make this authentic to me?

  • How is this going to add value to my readers?




Now if you are reading this you are trying to figure out how make money blogging. So one question to ask yourself or research is, is my niche a profitable niche? Is there a demand? Demand will drive the traffic which in turn leads to revenue. 



Traffic Strategy:

How are you going to get people to your blog? There are so many avenues to drive traffic to your blog that it can be overwhelming. So for me I would say pick 1-2 to start with. 


  • Pinterest: I love using pinterest to promote blog posts. This is a very valuable channel to drive traffic to your blog and posts. Personally I feel that Pinterest is a lot easier than google. So if you are going to start with one I would say Pinterest.

  • SEO: You can see some of the biggest results with SEO, but it does take time. There can be a learning curve with understanding SEO and growing on google.

  • Social Media: site like instagram, Facebook, etc. are great ways to grow your blog and network. 




How To Make Money Blogging (Avenues):



A lot of bloggers monetize there blogs and websites with display ads (these are different ads you see typically on the side of the website or a banner across the top). The more popular one is Google Adsense, because there are not traffic requirements. This great for beginners. With that said the revenue is a low and you can only withdraw the money in $100 increments.


As you get bigger and get more traffic coming to your site (25,000-30,000 session per month) I would recommend Mediavine. Which from what I can tell pays 5-10x more than Google Adsense.


How much can you make: This varies greatly depending on your traffic and impressions. I would say on average you could make one to two cents per visitor.


Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate Marketing is when you refer someone to a product, website, or service using a unique link. Then if they make a purchase through your link you earn a commission.


It is like getting paid for your word of mouth suggestions.


You typically will see the most success when you are promoting a product or service that you have actually used, believe in, or have heard great things about.


Companies want to get found. They need people to spread the word and they are willing to pay you a commission to do so.


How much can you make: It really all depends on the affiliate program. Some are a flat rate and others are percentage based. For example if you are an amazon affiliate you can expect 1-10% per sale, just depending on the product.


Direct Ad Sales:

Direct Ad Sales is approaching advertisers and companies yourself to advertise your on you blog or website. Basically you are cutting out any middle man. This can be harder, but a lot more lucrative. You can basically set your own rates as long as you and the advertiser agree upon it.


In order to get started think of some companies that you would like to work with and that would benefit from advertising to your audience. Then create a pitch and close the sale. Sale them on why they should advertise on your website.


How much can you make: Advertisers often pay between $200 and $2,500 per month per ad, depending on the niche, etc.




Sponsorships (Content and Reviews):

Once you are getting some good traffic and have built an audience. Companies  will start to pay to promote their brand, product, or service. Sometimes they will reach out you , but you can also reach out to them with proposal of what you can do for them.


I would advise not take every offer that comes in, but only those that you believe in and fit with your niche/audience. Otherwise you will start to drive people away.


How much can you make: This varies as well depending on your audience size and page views. You could make though hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars per post.




If your are knowledgable or a "expert" at something you can you a your blog to highlight your skills and hire you for your skills. Example photography, graphic design, consulting, etc. 


How much can you make: This really just depends on what you charge for a your service, but a blog is a good what to get more exposure and cliental.




Digital or Physical Products:

Many bloggers make a lot of money, by creating their own digital products such as a online course, ebook, etc. Or selling a physical product like a workbook, cookbook, etc. They use their blogs to help promote their digital products.


How much can you make: This varies, it can be a few hundred dollars a year or a few thousand dollars a month.



Final Thoughts:

Don't get discouraged if you don't make money right away that is ok. Just remember it takes time, quality content, and consistency. Blogging can provide some great passive income and even provide a full time living. It can be overwhelming, but the key is to just to start and learn as you go. Start tweaking things as you see fit. You got this!



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